peregrine X & AI
Peregrine X collaborates with Data Analytics Companies developing AI models for a variety of Oilfield Applications, ranging from prescriptive maintenance to production optimisation.
Peregrine X’s innovative technology PACE24 enables clients to rapidly analyse fluid samples to gain data to support AI model building. Our PACE24 technology can provide high-quality, near real-time data, that AI models rely on to make accurate predictions and optimisations.

Here’s how Peregrine X’s PACE24 technology can assist:
1. High-Quality, Granular Data for AI Models
Precision in Analysis: PACE24’s Capillary Electrophoresis technology produces detailed and reliable data on oil composition, including aromatics, waxes, asphaltenes, scale, salts and added chemicals. This level of data granularity allows AI systems to access more accurate and comprehensive data for modelling and potential decision-making.
Consistency and Reliability: With PACE24’s reproducible results, the data provided has been derived by a consistent technique across time, providing a dependable baseline for machine learning algorithms to analyse patterns, detect anomalies, and potentially optimise operational activities.
2. Near Real-Time Data for Continuous Optimisation
Rapid Feedback Loops: AI thrives on real-time or near real-time data to enable continuous learning and adaptive responses. With Peregrine X’s rapid detailed analysis, oil companies provide up-to-date data to their AI models, potentially enhancing the accuracy of predictive trends.
Proactive Intervention: PACE24’s data allows AI models to develop predictive insights, which in turn can lead to proactive interventions by AI systems, reducing production downtime and thereby optimising both production and revenues.​
3. Data for Flow Assurance
Wax and Asphaltene Build-Up: By providing data on wax and asphaltene content, AI models could predict when blockages or equipment issues may arise. This allows companies to maintain flow assurance, optimise wax cutting schedules and chemical dispersants preventing production losses, and even equipment shutdowns and failures.

4. Integration with AI for Chemical Optimisation
Continuous Monitoring: If a model receives continuous streams of data, it can fine-tune the chemical dosing, reacting to changes in oil composition, potentially faster than human operators, thus avoiding overuse or underuse of chemicals as operating conditions change.
Chemical Optimisation: Where an operator wishes to trial a number of different chemicals it is necessary to collect data before and after dosage changes to make comparisons between chemical additives and their optimised dosages.
5. Supporting Environmental Policies and Cost Optimisation
Reducing Environmental Impact: The detailed fluid data provided by PACE24 can be used by AI models to identify areas where operational efficiency could possibly reduce environmental footprints without having a detrimental impact on production, for example, minimising chemical waste or power generation efficiency.
Cost Optimisation: Data from PACE24 can be used with AI models focussing on cost saving measures using data inputs such as chemical dosages, production forecasts, equipment maintenance schedules, thus cutting operational costs while boosting efficiency.

Enquire now
Speak to our experienced technical team to discuss your operational challenges and see how Peregrine can complement your AI vision and optimise production.